How do I post a job on the Job Board?
Please fill out the Contact Form or email mtandpresdient@gmail.com with job information and any promotional flyers. MTAND will post jobs for 3 months unless informed that the position is still open.
I am a member of the Academy, but I just moved to Montana. How do I change my affiliate membership?
If you are already a member of the Academy, but not a member of MTAND, contact the Academy's membership team at membership@eatright.org to change your affiliate.
How do I change my address for the Academy mailings?
To change your contact information with the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and ensure you receive all Academy correspondence and your registration/membership renewal, go to eatright.org and in the upper right hand side of the home page click on ‘My Academy’. Login to the member site and see ‘Welcome, (your name)’ in the top right section of the next page. Click ‘My Profile’ and then click ‘Update Contact Information’ and follow the directions. It is as simple as that.